Episode 03 Part 1 // Chronic Illness & Infertility with Ashley Watten


Ashley is a native Texan who loves her husband, her dog, and the Arkansas Razorbacks. She is half of the sister-in-law blogging duo, Simply Sisters Collective and is a freelancer who supports small businesses and is a dreamer at heart.

She is a sparkling water enthusiast, obsessed with Christmas, and her happy place is in the mountains in Colorado. Ashley is a lover of traveling, fresh flowers, and clean white sheets.

When it comes to her passions, there are many, but at the top of the list is her desire for others to know the love of Christ. She strives to radiate the love & joy that comes through her security in the Lord.

Ashley has faced a 15 year journey with chronic illness that has dramatically effected her ability to have children. Ashley's story isn't tied up in the perfect bow. She's not holding her miracle. She's still facing this journey every day, and yet she is still choosing to trust God through every heartbreak. She shared her story just a few weeks prior to our interview publicly for the first time here

Connect with Ashley: Instagram | Facebook |Simply Sisters Collective | Simply Sisters Collective Instagram

Caley Porter